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Glutathione 600mg


Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings
(3 customer reviews)


Our advanced subcutaneous Glutathione formulation optimises absorption and potency, boosting your body’s cleansing processes and encouraging a more radiant, even complexion. What is Glutathione? Glutathione is an antioxidant produced by all human cells to protect against damage from free radicals. Made in the liver from the amino acids L-glutamate, cysteine, and glycine, it exists in cells at levels comparable to potassium and glucose. Glutathione helps prevent oxidative stress, which is linked to diseases like cancer and heart disease. It also supports protein production and tissue repair. However, factors like illness, poor diet, ageing, and stress can deplete glutathione levels. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is often used to boost glutathione.   Glutathione and Alcohol Glutathione is involved in alcohol metabolism, converting the carcinogenic byproduct acetaldehyde into water and carbon dioxide for excretion. Excessive alcohol consumption reduces glutathione levels. Research is ongoing to explore glutathione’s potential in neutralising alcohol’s effects. Glutathione and Autoimmune Function Glutathione may influence the immune response by either boosting or suppressing it. It also protects mitochondria from damage caused by autoimmune diseases by scavenging free radicals. Glutathione and Diabetes Low glutathione levels are associated with higher blood sugar levels, leading to oxidative stress and tissue damage. A study suggested that dietary supplements of cysteine and glycine could boost glutathione levels. Glutathione and Insulin Resistance Research indicates that glutathione levels decline with age, contributing to insulin resistance and weight gain. Studies show that lower glutathione levels are linked to decreased fat burning and increased fat storage. Glutathione and Peripheral Arterial Disease Peripheral arterial disease, often affecting the legs, results from plaque buildup in arteries. A study found that glutathione improved circulation, allowing participants to walk farther without pain.
CAS Number 70-18-8
Molar Mass 307.32 g/mol
Chemical Formula C10H17N3O6S

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