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PT-141 10mg


Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 5 customer ratings
(5 customer reviews)

PT-141 10mg

What is PT-141 10mg?
PT-141 10mg is a synthetic peptide that mimics alpha-MSH. It has been shown to increase erectile function in both healthy men and those with erectile dysfunction, indicating its potential as a new treatment for sexual dysfunction. Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved PT-141 for treating acquired generalised hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in women. HSDD is characterised by a low sexual desire not linked to any other medical or psychological condition.

Research Peptides Europe offer PT-141 exclusively for research purposes.

How Does PT-141 10mg Work?
PT-141 interacts with specific melanocortin receptors (MCRs) in the brain. Melanocortin receptors are involved in various physiological functions, including sexual function, skin pigmentation, energy regulation, and inflammation, leading to significant research interest. PT-141 10mg activates MC1R, MC3R, and MC4R receptors in the hypothalamus, which impacts the brain areas responsible for sexual arousal. This effect was observed in studies where systemic administration of PT-141 in rats resulted in penile erections.
CAS Number 189691-06-3
Molar Mass 1025.182 g/mol
Molecular Formula C50H68N14O10
Sequence  Ac-Nle-cyclo[Asp-His-D-Phe-Arg-Trp-Lys]-OH
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has already approved PT 141 to treat acquired, generalised hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in women. HSDD is characterised by low sexual desire.
It is not due to a co-existing medical or psychiatric condition.

All products featured on this site are intended solely for research purposes.

They are NOT intended for consumption by humans or animals under any circumstances. This product should only be handled and administered by qualified professionals with relevant expertise.

The distributor, manufacturer, and seller of this product bear no responsibility for any misuse or subsequent outcomes.

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5 reviews for PT-141 10mg

    Klaus M.
    Rated 5 out of 5
    15 December 2024
    Ich habe PT-141 (10mg) für einige Wochen ausprobiert und bin wirklich beeindruckt. Meine Libido hat sich deutlich verbessert, und auch meine allgemeine Energie ist gestiegen. Die Anwendung war einfach und die Ergebnisse haben mich positiv überrascht. Es fühlt sich an, als würde ich meine Vitalität zurückbekommen. Sehr zu empfehlen für alle, die ihre sexuelle Gesundheit und Energie steigern möchten.
    Mark J
    Rated 5 out of 5
    16 October 2024
    "Na een paar weken PT-141 (10mg) te hebben gebruikt, ben ik onder de indruk van de resultaten. Mijn libido is aanzienlijk gestegen, en ik voel me veel energieker. Het is gemakkelijk in gebruik en werkt snel. Ik voel me zelfverzekerder en meer in balans. Absoluut een aanrader voor iedereen die zijn seksuele gezondheid wil verbeteren
    Laura S
    Rated 5 out of 5
    12 July 2024
    Ich hatte gewisse Bedenken, PT-141 zu verwenden, aber nach ein paar Anwendungen war ich wirklich zufrieden. Meine Lust und Erregung haben sich stark erhöht, und ich habe weniger Stress im Alltag erlebt. Die Wirkung setzt schnell ein, und es fühlt sich natürlich an. Ich kann es auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen
    Erik H
    Rated 5 out of 5
    9 January 2023
    Jeg har brukt PT-141 (10mg) i noen uker nå, og resultatene har vært veldig positive. Jeg har mer energi og en merkbar økning i min seksuelle lyst. Det er lett å bruke, og effekten merkes ganske raskt. Jeg føler meg mer energisk og selvsikker. Anbefales til dem som ønsker å øke sin seksualdrift og generelle velvære
    Klaus M
    Rated 5 out of 5
    19 November 2022
    I’ve been using PT-141 (10mg) for a few weeks now, and I’m genuinely impressed with the results. My libido has increased significantly, and I feel more energized overall. The application is straightforward, and the effects are quick to kick in. I feel more confident and balanced. Highly recommend it for anyone looking to improve sexual health and energy.
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